Tuesday, August 28, 2007

How to tell you are not in America, part 2

Last week, after the New Student Orientation at Blaine's school, I took the kids out for lunch. We went to a local pizza place, and they have their own version of "happy meals" for the kids. It includes a drink, a kid-sized cheese pizza and, of course, a toy.

So, that brings us to part 2: The Toys. If your happy meal toys look like this - you might not be in America.

I call this one "Top of Death". It came with a long string, ostensibly to wrap around the top to make it spin on the extremely sharp nail that is sticking out of it. Just the toy for a 5 year old and his 19 month old sister.

I like to call this doll "Propecia Patty". As you can see, she has an unfortunate thinning hair situation going on. And the ironic part is that she came with a comb. Kyra just looked at the doll, then at me like "you have GOT to be kidding me." And the hair? It wasn't the worst part of this doll. Nope.

It's kind of hard to tell in this photo (because I have awesome photography skillz) but her arms? They are completely flat. Like Gilderoy Lockhart tried to mend a broken bone. Kyra, who is not the most discriminating of kids, doesn't even want to play with her. She's currently sitting on my desk next to the Top of Death. Soon they will both be sitting in the trash can. I guess it wasn't such a "happy" meal for Propecia Patty.


Type (little) a aka Michele said...

Those toys are hilarious!

Kirsten said...

I am so excited to find your blog! So happy you commented because you are hilarious! Seeing how other people intrepret American culture (IE: Your Oman un-happy early death meal) I remember when I was living in Mexico seeing the people wearing shirts with english prints and having no idea what they meant and laughing my ass off. The best was a 15 year old girl with an "Over 50 and Feeling Foxy" t-shirt.

You are great! I will be searching for the grapefruit seed extract!

Rebecca is Fabulous said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Toughen those north american kiddos up...
and kudos for the HP reference, by the way...

Nancy R said...

Her arms look like the stems from eyeglasses!

Rima said...

"Propecia Patty" totally cracked me up - both the doll, and your name for it!

Crystal said...

Part 1 was great, but this was even better. That nail is huge! I hope you keep them coming...

kirida said...

Propecia Patty--LOVE IT.