Monday, August 13, 2007

A little of this, a little of that

I've added a "Blogs I Read" section. It's over there. On your right. Some of the blogs listed need to be updated (Hellooooo mab! I still want your recipe). Some are just blogs I find funny/amusing/relatable. Pioneer Woman is one of my new favorites. If you head over to her blog, click on her link to her cooking blog. I'm dying to try out her cinnamon rolls. Anyone want to split 7 pans of rolls?

Oh, and if you read here regularly - which unless you are related to me, know me in real life or are special (like Kristin and my brain twin over at Purple Duckie), you probably don't - but if you do, and you have a blog and you would like me to add it, put it in the comments and I shall.

Speaking of comments, I have turned on the whole moderation thing again. Way back when, on my previous blog, I had to turn moderation on - well actually, I disabled all comments for a while - I decided it worked better for me to see what people wanted to post before it got posted. You know, because my parents read here and don't need to see any trash talking internet freaks or spambots. So, sorry for the hoop jumping you will have to do to comment now, but I'm sure all 3 of you who comment on my blog will understand.

As for life in Oman, well, until I have transportation, the kids and I are pretty much stuck at home every day. So I don't think you need to read daily posts of "hey, we played Candyland. Again." Hopefully the transportation issue will be solved tomorrow evening (light a candle, do a dance around a fire, cross your fingers) and I can start exploring. Until then, I'm off to set up Blaine's train table for the 8 millionth time so that Kyra can do her Godzilla impression (she's quite good) and knock it all down for the 8 millionth time. Don't you envy me?


Monica said...

spencer is just like kyra. we actually gave him the train table, bc there was no point in emma having it anymore. he looks just like her in that picture. lol

crossing fingers your transportation issue is solved very soon. i know what it's like to be stuck at home for 2 months until the husband gets home.

Sandy D. said...

Hey, I'll be reading regularly. I loved the description of the mall changing room.

If you want to blogroll me, I'm at . But I'll read whether you do or not, because I wouldn't want to miss the middle eastern equivalent of the smoking bubble guy.