Monday, August 27, 2007

First day of Kindergarten!

Doesn't he look smart? Spiderman backpack, Hot Wheels shoes, motorcycle shirt and "tan"fastic Four water bottle.

Here he is by his locker. It's got his name on it and everything so I guess this whole school thing is official. (Note the "I'm humoring my mother with this fake smile" going on in this picture. He really just wanted to get into his classroom).

And here he is, signing in. He doesn't even need me to do that for him any more. Such a big kid. Such an awesome kid. And he's only been at school for 2 hours and I miss him. I'm not the only one missing him, either. His sister is walking around the house looking for him. She keeps going into his room and calling out "Ba?" I bet she's going to be as excited as I am to pick him up this afternoon.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, I didn't cry. Much. And I waited until I was back in the car. This mothering thing is hard.


Anonymous said...

Awe. My actual thought before reading your caption was, "That smile says, okay mom I will humor you with one more picture."

Crystal said...

Great pictures. But now I'm going to start crying thinking about my baby going to school--in four years. I've always been quite the blubbery one, though you have me beat with the St. Patrick's Day parade.

kristin said...

Oh, man, that is NOT Blaine. When did you switch him out with that big kid?

Rebecca is Fabulous said...

oh, my. Such a big man.
Violet goes to day care, so at least I will be used to not seeing her in the day, by, jeez-o-petes, I cannot even fathom the first-day-of-school crying that will go on...

Jennifer said...

I know! Sometimes I look at him and think nu uh! This big kid is not my baby Blaine!