Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How to tell you are not in America, part 3

If doing the laundry involves a trip to the local hot springs, you might not be in America.

On another note, the picture above was taken at the hot springs just a few kilometers from the Nakhal Fort. That trip will be the subject of the next installment of "Adventures in Oman". I'll get around to writing it soon. I hope. Maybe after my laundry is done (and no, I don't have to tote it to the stream, thank God).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jennifer,

Love the new pics...Oman looks interesting...and the kids look great! I totally understand about the first day of school...Sadie started preschool today and its strange not having her around. Keep up the funny blogs!
Kim(regina's old friend from tbilisi)